Child Care Registry

We are updating the Clair Hills child care registry which is a list of child care providers in the area. If you are a child care provider, or know someone who is (e.g., your teenage children who babysit) and would like to be listed on the registry, please complete our survey.

Note: Providers under age 18 need their parent’s permission to be listed on the registry.

If you were previously listed on the registry, please complete the survey to provide updated information. Only people who complete the new survey will be listed.

The CHCA Child Care Registry* is here! We have compiled a list of available private day care providers and babysitters in the neighbourhood.  If you are seeking child care for your children, and would like to access the registry, please email to be added to the distribution list.

We are always looking for more Child Care Providers to add to the registry, so if you, or someone you know, would like to be added to the registry, please email indicating your interest.

*Please note this registry will be for INFORMATION purposes only.  The Clair Hills Community Association will not be screening, evaluating, interviewing or verifying the information provided by its participants (either child care providers OR families seeking child care).  Those seeking help will be solely responsible for screening, checking references, etc. and those providing child care should perform their own screening of potential clients. CHCA is not liable or responsible for matching involved parties.